Explore our Public Roadmap

Discover what we've been up to, what we're working on at the moment and what are plans for the future are. Have your say and participate in our roadmap.


The ‘done & dusted’ list

Here are some of the features we have worked on and completed.
  • Revamped onboarding experience
  • Listed thousands of funds from around the globe
  • Enhanced portfolio screen with custom columns.
  • Buying & Selling US stocks and ETFs from as little as €0.50c.
  • Fractional Shares, order by value
  • Better FX Rates
  • Joint Accounts
  • Pre Post Market trading, trade an extra 9 hours a day!
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The ‘work-in-progress’ list

Here are some of the features our team are working hard on to make investing with Moneybase Invest even better
  • Google Wallet
  • Apple Pay
  • Invest features in main moneybase app
  • Business accounts

The ‘next up’ list

These are some of the features we are currently exploring, many of which are ideas suggested to us by Moneybase Invest fans.
  • Merging Investment and Payment Apps
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Have your say on how our product develops

Got a brilliant idea in mind you’d like to share? You’d like to see a specific feature come to life? Let us know what you’d like to see on the Moneybase app next.
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